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Sales presentation and negotiation skills

Sales presentation and negotiation skills

Related Terms:

Sales presentation and negotiation skills is the capability to communicate effectively and persuade potential customers to purchase the business’s products or services. The process involves preparing and delivering effective sales presentations, building rapport with potential customers, and negotiating deals that are mutually beneficial for both the business and the customer.

Beginner competence definition

Individuals at a beginner level are able to prepare and deliver basic sales presentations that highlight the key features and benefits of the business’s products or services. They can build a rapport with potential customers and communicate effectively. At this level, a salesperson should be able to use basic negotiation skills to close deals.

Intermediate competence definition

Intermediate-level salespeople can develop and deliver more sophisticated sales presentations that are tailored to the specific needs and preferences of individual customers. They can use advanced communication techniques to build rapport with potential customers and create a sense of trust. At this level, a salesperson should be able to use advanced negotiation skills to navigate complex deals and close sales.

Advanced competence definition

Advanced level salespeople are able to lead the development of a sales presentation and negotiation strategy for the entire sales team. They can mentor other members of the sales team in effective sales presentation and negotiation techniques. As advanced-level individuals, they should be able to anticipate potential objections and address them proactively, and can use advanced negotiation techniques to create win-win solutions for both the business and the customer.


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