Composure is the ability to maintain emotional control and stability, demonstrating calmness, patience and resilience particularly in challenging situations. It upholds an organization's values by instilling confidence, encouraging logical decision-making and promoting a harmonious working environment, irrespective of external pressures.
Level 1: Emerging
At an emerging level, you are beginning to demonstrate calmness and self-control under stress, practicing patience while upholding organizational values in your decisions and actions. You sustain this decorum during challenging situations.
Level 2: Proficient
At a proficient level you are able to maintain composure in challenging situations, demonstrating strong values of resilience, self-control, and emotional intelligence in upholding organizational values and ethics.
Level 3: Advanced
At an advanced level, you are able to maintain a calm and composed demeanor in challenging situations, consistently demonstrating your commitment to upholding the organization's values of integrity and respect.