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Customer Data Privacy and Security

Customer Data Privacy and Security is the aptitude to safeguard customer information, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability in customer service interactions while adhering to global data privacy regulations. This includes applying secure methods when handling, transmitting, and storing customer data, and managing data breaches responsibly.

Level 1: Emerging

At an emerging level you are starting to understand the importance of data privacy and security within customer interactions. You are learning key principles and regulations, and applying them in your customer service role.

Level 2: Proficient

At a proficient level you are able to effectively protect customer data and ensure security measures are in place to safeguard sensitive information, building trust and maintaining customer loyalty.

Level 3: Advanced

At an advanced level, you are able to confidently navigate complex privacy and security issues related to customer data, ensuring compliance and safeguarding sensitive information in a customer support context.

Where is this capability used?