Hospitality is the value-based capacity to foster an inclusive, welcoming environment where all members, regardless of background, feel valued, respected, and catered for, contributing to a positive, supportive organizational culture. It emphasizes kindness, openness, understanding, and a commitment to service and care.
Level 1: Emerging
At an emerging level, you are cultivating the ability to demonstrate and uphold the organization's values in all hospitality-related interactions. This includes service, hospitality, courtesy, and a considerate attitude.
Level 2: Proficient
At a proficient level, you are able to consistently demonstrate and prioritize values such as respect, empathy, and inclusivity in all your interactions within the hospitality industry.
Level 3: Advanced
At an advanced level you are embodying the values of hospitality by consistently demonstrating empathy, respect, and genuine care towards others, creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all.