Tenacity is the unwavering commitment to personal and organizational values, demonstrating resilience, courage, and determination in upholding these principles, even in the face of adversities or challenges. It encapsulates persistence to ensure actions align with core beliefs, contributing to long-term stability and success.
Level 1: Emerging
At an emerging level, you demonstrate tenacity by persisting against obstacles, while maintaining alignment with our organizational values. You begin to show resilience while facing challenging work environments.
Level 2: Proficient
At a proficient level you are committed to upholding your values, demonstrating resilience in the face of challenges, and showing persistence in pursuing what is ethically right and important to you.
Level 3: Advanced
At an advanced level you are unwavering in upholding your values, demonstrating unwavering commitment to what is right and just, even in the face of adversity and challenges.