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L&D Strategy

Why Facts, Evidence & Data are the Only Way to Demonstrate the Impact of Learning

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Kevin M. Yates, the L&D Detective who solves measurement mysteries, joins Blake Proberts on the Strategic L&D Podcast to discuss overcoming the perception issue of L&D.

They chat about transitioning L&D from being reactive to proactive, getting optimal impact by mixing human performance and business performance metrics, and how it’s the volume of content linked to your performance metrics that matter, rather than the volume of content overall. Listen to the full episode above or watch below.

Key takeaways

1. Start at the end.

The end is a business goal. Develop performance requirements from your strategy and metrics from goals so you can measure effectively.

2. Have signals that things are working.

Metrics and measures determine the extent to which training does what it is intended to do—or does not, at which point, you need to pivot.

3. Performance is a collaborative effort.

Build relationships with the owners of performance metrics (read: managers, leaders) to connect learning outcomes to business success.

4. Be clear on the required skills and behaviours to be successful…

…so you can design training and learning solutions that produce those behaviours as outcomes.

5. Translate efforts into outcomes.

How does L&D, as a function, contribute to business goals and success? And how does learning contribute to performance outcomes? There’s a difference.

See more from our host: Blake Proberts

Learn about our guest: Kevin M. Yates

Hear more of the Strategic L&D Podcast on Spotify and Apple. You’ll also find us in video form on YouTube.

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